Photo by JFosterPhotography
”When it is working, you completely go into another place, you’re tapping into things that are totally universal, completely beyond your ego and your own self. That’s what it’s all about.” ~Keith Haring
Because Art cannot be defined... Imagination is limitless and Creativity cannot be measured...
A little about me...
As with all children, I loved coloring when I was young. I got older and I still doodled a lot, and began to find a love for drawing... My mom encouraged me often and always said she taught me to draw stick figures, and that I just took it from there. She was always proud of me and suggested that I ask questions of my art teacher. So, I did... I asked questions and learned at a young age to watch, listen and learn. My art teacher was a huge inspiration, and I absolutely loved helping her and other students!
Many years forward... I am now married to my high school sweetheart and we have a wonderful and abundantly energetic daughter.
Like most artists, I’ve had my hands in a variety of mediums! My preference has been graphite/charcoal and I've been picking up colored pencils again. I do branch out with other mediums as well, including acrylic painting, adding some interesting effects and learning that drawing digitally is something in which I've found quite an interest.
I would like to say that I’m self-taught, which is mostly true although not wholly accurate. I did have some art training while in attendance at the arts magnet in Dallas, TX for two years in high school, and the rest of my learning has come from many people around me throughout the years. I’ve learned a lot from fellow artists! Learning never ends!
DeSoto Art League 2016 Summer Show (Dry Media Category) - 3rd Place for “Feathers”
DeSoto Art League 2015 Summer Show (Dry Media Category) - 3rd Place for “Pixie Princess”
DeSoto Art League 2013 Summer Show (Dry Media Category) - 1st Place for “Sunshine”

ArtsGoggle 2019

ArtScapes 2019
Member of:
Artist of the Tournique Collective (Cofounders: Heidi Tournoux, Wendy Monique) www.tourniqueart.com
Texas Artist Coalition https://www.texasartistscoalition.org/
Mansfield Commission for the Arts https://www.mansfieldtexasarts.org/
Mansfield Arts Association https://www.mansfieldart.org/
Arlington Visual Arts Association http://www.arlingtonvisualarts.com/
DeSoto (TX) Art League http://desotoartleague.com/ *Disbanded
Features and Highlights:
Mansfield Commission for the Arts - Local Artist Highlights (2020, 2021)
Mansfield Commission for the Arts - Arts on the Local (2020)
Mansfield Commission for the Arts - Arts Week (2019, 2020, 2021)
Mansfield Commission for the Arts - Artist of the Month (2019, 2021)
Voyage Dallas Magazine (2018 and 2020)

Local Artists Around Town - Arts Coordinator/Curator
Savor Coffee Bar & Eatery in Arlington, TX.
Working closely with the owner and/or manager bringing local artists in for Artist of the Month hosts! Planning of Pop-Up-Art-Events at the location with the Artist of the Month.
March, 2021: Artist of the Month - Anthony Moreno
February, 2021: Artist of the Month - Geri Brettmann
January, 2021: Artist of the Month - Wendy Monique
May, 2020: Artist of the Month (CANCELLED) Art Therapy - Awareness Month - Collective Show
April, 2020: Artist of the Month (CANCELLED) Mansfield High School Art Club - Collective Show
March, 2020: Artist of the Month - Kiki Rajasekar, Kiki Artful
February, 2020: Artist of the Month - Heather Harbaugh
January, 2020: Artist of the Month - Jon Ramon, Jon Ramon Art
November, 2019: Artist of the Month - Heidi Tournoux, Heidi Tournoux Studios
July, 2019: Artist of the Month - Wendy Monique
VISIT www.tourniqueart.com for more members of the Artists of the Tournique Collective shows and locations
Featured Shows
February, 2021: Poured Wine Bar, Mansfield TX (Solo Show - Tournique Art Collective)
January - April, 2021: Music Place Mansfield (Combination Show - Tournique Art Collective)
January - April, 2021: Farr Best Theater (Combination Show - Tournique Art Collective)
January, 2021: Savor Coffee Bar & Eatery, Arlington, TX (Solo Show)
July - Dec 2019: Mansfield Public Library - collective art show. Show arranged by Heidi Tournoux Studios www.HeidiTournouxStudios.com
July, 2019: Individual Show at Savor Coffee Bar and Eatery in Arlington, TX. www.savorthecraft.com
Jan-July 2019: Mansfield Public Library - collective art show. Show arranged by Heidi Tournoux Studios www.HeidiTournouxStudios.com
Aug/Sept 2017: Gallery showing for the month of August and September 2017: Julie’s Corner Art in Duncanville, TX. www.JuliesArtCorner.com
Jan/Feb 2017: Monthly Individual Art show for DeSoto Art League in 2016 for the months of November and December where my art collection was shown at City Hall in DeSoto, and 3 pieces out of my collection were kept to stay in the Members Show up through the months of January and February in 2017.
Art Festivals
March, 2021: Arts Week - Mansfield, TX
October, 2020: Music Alley - Mansfield, TX
April 4, 2019: MansfieldISD Vendor Fair
September 27, 2019: ArtScapes - Mansfield, TX
September 7, 2019: Music Alley - Mansfield, TX https://www.visitmansfieldtexas.com/event/210/music-alley
October 19, 2019: ArtsGoggle - Near Southside, Fort Worth, TX www.artsgoggle.org
Member of DFW Business Partners, Fort Worth since 2017. Acting Treasurer, 2018. (Please see the Community tab for more information on the different entrepreneurs and other businesses affiliated with DFWBP)

MusicAlley 2019
Currently working on hand-drawn digital portraits.
*The introductory rate is as follows:
8x10 of one person, head and shoulders: beginning at $400.00. The price varies depending on subject matter and amount of detail.
8x10 of two people in the same portrait: $600.00
Enlargement up to 11x14 print available.
*Other sizes may be available, pricing upon request.
For Hand drawn with Graphite/Charcoal or Colored Pencil – Contact for estimate.
B&W 8x10 starting at $860.00, varies depending on subject matter and amount of detail.
Acrylic Paintings: Contact for estimate. Based on size, subject matter, and amount of detail.
*Prices subject to change at any time.

ARTWORK is based on the artist's interpretation of the photo reference provided.
PRICE covers the cost to render subject(s) as discussed and agreed upon. The prices are based on the photograph AS IS. Requesting alteration of photos could substantially increase costs.
SIZE is based on what is showing through the opening in a mat. Mat is the heavy pressed paper that frames the image inside that glass and frame.
EXTRAS are elements added to your portrait, such as an extra person or including the background, combining photos. Each “extra” element will be an additional cost.
DEPOSIT of 50% of the project is required up front. The deposit is non-refundable once work has begun.
DRAWINGS will be used for my portfolio and online gallery.
Photo by JFosterPhotography